Archive for the ‘Reviews’ Category

Her is one of the films that I have been looking forward to seeing since the preview was released some months ago. I missed it during its theatrical run so I finally got around to watching it tonight and I couldn’t be happier that I did.

This film is such a unique, yet familiar at the same time, concept. It tells a very common love story just in a way that, at least in my experience, has never been done before. This film conveys so many different emotions in such an interesting and complex way. It also raises several questions about technology and the continuing disintegration of human to human interaction but doesn’t present it in a negative way necessarily.

Her also presents love in such a way that could be a lesson to everyone. It proposes the age old message that love should not be based on appearance, or lack thereof in this case, but rather personal connection. Yet again, it is a story that has been told numerous times, only in vastly different contexts. 

The cast and crew behind this film did a phenomenal job of telling this incredibly complex love story. Writer/director Spike Jonze created a timeless film that I truly feel will go on to become a modern classic. Joaquin Phoenix gives the performance of his career as the reclusive, heart sick lead character Theodore. Personal favorite Scarlett Johansson shows off her acting chops by stealing the show as the operating system Samantha, never appearing on screen because she only exists in computers as a voice. Somehow, she still commands your attention. Amy Adams and Chris Pratt make for a great supporting cast rounding out the film re



This is the second film released in 2014, the first being The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, that has forced it’s way into my all time top ten films. I can’t say enough good things about this film. It is such a deep and heartfelt film that I think everyone can relate to in some way. This should be the next film you watch without question. Til next time…



Significant Shit

Posted: April 14, 2014 in Movies, Op-ed, Reviews
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Hey guys, nothing too in depth just kinda wanted to drop a line and recognize some noteworthy films I had seen lately. Some new, some not so new but all worth your time/money. So here we go…

American Hustle
The Wolf Of Wall Street
Dallas Buyers Club
Out Of The Furnace
Delivery Man
47 Ronin
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues
12 Years A Slave
The Counselor.

Planning on dropping some in depth posts on a few of these but for now, time is of the essence. Til next time friends…

Hey guys, I know its been kind of a quiet month here at YDKSAF but, to be honest, doing five straight months of themes and almost daily posts kind of tired us out a little bit. We will be back at full force in April or May I promise. In the meantime, I bring you The Wolf of Wall Street. This is the latest film from Martin Scorcese and finds the legendary director dealing with subject matter that he handles like no other…crime and the more unsavory groups of American society.

Wolf is an adaptation of former stockbroker, drug addict, and con artist Jordan Belfort’s autobiography of the same name. Only some of the names and actual events have been changed to protect the guilty and you know, avoid huge lawsuits. Obviously some elements have been changed for dramatic effect but, for the most part, it is spot on to the actual events that took place.

Jordan Belfort was a middle class kid from The Bronx who had aspirations for much, much more. He manages to swing an entry level position at a large brokerage firm where he meets an experienced broker who shows him the ropes until the market crashes and the company closes. He quickly finds a job trading penny stocks and becomes a hot shot eventually starting his own firm to rip off the rich instead of the middle to lower class. He soon develops a taste for drugs, hookers, and general debauchery. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right?

Stellar performances all around, specifically Leonardo Dicaprio and Jonah Hill, make the daunting three hour run time fly by, barely feeling like 90 minutes. Scorcese falls back into his niche this time around after a couple of unsatisfying forays into psychological horror and childrens films. The whole experience is an enjoyable one and is worth multiple viewings. Give it a look to see a director who is back on top of his game. Til next time…


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I wanted to wait until after the Oscars to write this discussion of Dallas Buyers Club. After having watched this film I was ninety percent positive that McConaughey and Leto would walk out with awards but waited to see if the film would capture the Best Picture award as well. As we know now, that honor went to 12 Years A Slave a movie based on the novel 50 Shades of Grey I think…I haven’t watched it yet.

So heres Ron Woodroof, your stereotypical homophobic, redneck Texan banging chicks, doing drugs and placing bets on the rodeos. Then theres Rayon, a down on her luck tranny who likes to chase the dragon in her spare time. Two lovable characters with nothing in common…or so it would seem. Turns out they both have the HIVy and things get out of control when these two cats from different sides of the tracks meet in the middle…sorry Failure To Lose A Guy To Ghosts Of Girlfriends Ten Days Past Launch is on and I got distracted.

So Ron has the HIV in 1985 and is told he has thirty days to live. He doesn’t accept that shit cause he’s a man god dammit and he sets out to cure or kill himself. Big drug companies are trying to push through dugs that are killing more people than they are helping, which they see as one way of curing the patients. Ron ends up in Mexico where he finds drugs and supplements that actually help but aren’t approved by the FDA back in the USA. Ron and Rayon form a partnership and start helping others but this isn’t Disney, our heroes aren’t Magic Johnson and we all know this story doesn’t have a happy ending kiddies.

With amazing transformations from two stars and outstanding performances from all, Dallas Buyers Club is an amazing movie. McConaughey and Leto both get lost in their respective characters in this low budget, independent film that was years in the making and worth the wait. Till next time friends, stay entertained.




“Everything is Awesome”

I was excited to see this film from the first trailer I watched. I had enjoyed some of the Lego video games and a movie done in that style intrigued me. Add to that an all star cast featuring Morgan Freeman, Will Arnett and Will Ferrell to name a few and I was on board. Lets build a story.

Emmet is just your average construction worker living his average construction worker life and loving it. Out of no where comes WyldStyle to shake things up for him and the adventure begins. Bring on the laughs, explosions, amazing animation, Batman and a twist of an ending and we’re all left with smiles in the end.

I was worried that this film would end up feeling like a hundred and forty minutes of Lego commercials. With the help of a great story the film makers were able to entertain without leaving you brainwashed to buy. There were more adults than children in the theater where we watched The Lego Movie, so if you’ve dismissed it as “kids stuff” then you don’t know shit about fuck and should give it a chance. Till next time friends, stay entertained.



Here it is guys, the epic conclusion, the final battle, The Return of The Jed…oh wait, that’s a different series. Everything you have been waiting to happen for ten years happens now. The Dark Lord gained a huge advantage at the end of Part 1, which in my opinion, could not have ended on a better cliffhanger. Alliances will be tested, battles will be fought, lives will be lost and most importantly, Neville finally gets to be a badass.

After the events of the last film, the gang are still on the hunt for the last few Horcruxes to destroy them in an attempt to kill Voldemort. They have to break into Belatrix Lestrange’s vault at Gringott’s Bank. They find out that Dumbledore has a brother. They also have to break back into Hogwarts, which Snape has been ruling with an iron fist. Naturally, things come to a head. Snape’s true intentions all along are revealed and the final battle is more epic than anyone could have imagined. We even get a P.S. to see what happens to everyone on down the road.

I can’t imagine a better way for this saga to end, except for maybe one thing. I hated to see so many beloved characters die but it is essential to the narrative for things to happen the way they do. Happiness is not in abundance in these last few installments, but I feel that it makes the story more real, more personal. I loved this series so much and it has been a blast re watching all of these films and revisiting the series to do this spotlight this month. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we did. Til next time…


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Okay Potter fans, this is the beginning of the end. There is not much happiness and joy to be found at this point in the series. Main characters are dead and the gang have been forced to grow up very quickly in light of the events of the last couple of films. At this point, youth and it’s pursuits are long gone and in it’s place are will power and determination.

Following the events of Half Blood Prince, the gang are on the run in search of Horcruxes. Hogwarts and the ministry are being taken over by those loyal to Voldemort and the gang can’t return. Their new mission brings new dangers and forces them to get creative in their search. Much like Half Blood Prince, this film ends on a really negative note for the gang with Voldemort gaining a key advantage and one of the sadest moments of the entire series.

Much like Harry, the franchise has matured so much at this point. As the films have delved into darker and more personal material, they have become more complex. The gang is almost at the end of their story and things are really only downhill from here. This is the perfect setup for the epic conclusion. Deathly Hallows is my favorite installment of the series despite the saddest loss of the series. You most definitely have to watch the other six films to really understand what is going on, but it is worth it for these last two installments if nothing else.

Til next time…

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“These are dark times Harry.”

Indeed they are friends. Even the muggle world knows that things are taking a turn for the worse. The Deatheaters are running wild, destroying bridges, not caring if they are seen by muggles and returning their videotapes without rewinding them (ask your parents, kids). Shit is getting bad, people are disappearing and we’re one step closer to the end.

“You’ve been reckless this summer Harry.”

Harry went out for a nice ride on the trains one night, thought he’d grab a bite at a diner, flirt with the waitress and then boom theres Dumbledore arriving just in time to save Harry from getting his swerve on (again, ask your parents, kids). After using him to convince Professor Slughorn to return to Hogwarts, Dumbledore drops Harry at the Weasleys to finish the summer.
Meanwhile Draco has become a Deatheater and been given the task of helping Dumbledore kick that nasty living habit he has but seriously even his mother and batshit crazy aunt know he doesn’t have the stones to pull it off. So of course who can they turn to but good ole Snape who makes “The Unbreakable Vow” and agrees to carry out Dracos mission should he fail to. Romances bloom, lives are ended and things at Hogwarts will never be the same.

“Do as I say Harry”

Half-Blood Prince is possibly my favorite film in the series. Its one of the last times you get to see the kids have a bit of fun before they’re forced to abandon what remains of their childhood and began the final journey to destroy the ring in Mount Doom or you know, stop Voldemort. Its doom and gloom for a while from here friends but stay strong and we’ll make it to the end…together…too cheesy…meh. Till next time friends, stay entertained.



Ok guys, I’ve been pretty up front with my love for over the top action flicks. They are the type of films I grew up on. When I was a kid, Schwarzenegger,  Stallone, and Willis were the biggest action stars around and it seemed like every other movie that came out had one or the other of them in it. Then they got old, became governors, or moved on to other types of roles. Then a few years ago, Schwarzenegger and Willis made cameo appearances in Stallone’s The Expendables making action flick fanboys go nuts. I mean, the three biggest action stars from the 80’s in the same film? It was awesome. Finally, Schwarzenegger stepped down as governor and reignited his film career with full force. Last years The Last Stand totally lived up to my expectations for Ahhhnold’s return and I was really looking forward to this team up.

Stallone stars as Ray Breslin, a man who works under cover for the government breaking out of maximum security prisons to show their flaws. After accepting a deal that is pretty fucking sketchy from the start, he ends up in a supermax prison called The Tomb that is meant to make its inmates disappear from society permanently and naturally, he is trapped. He befriends Schwarzenegger’s Rottmayer and the two begin to hatch their plan for escape. Some pretty significant revelations come to light and naturally, some pretty big action sequences are included.

Long story short, I FUCKING LOVED THIS MOVIE. It was everything that I wanted it to be and more. Instead of trying to avoid the slightly cheesy 80’s action movie clichés, this flick embraces them and wears them like a badge of honor, almost making them cool. Stallone and Schwarzenegger and stone cold bad asses together with enough swagger to fuel a small country. Naturally, there is an awesome scene where Schwarzenegger pulls a mounted machine gun off of a helicopter while giving a really intense look and starts mowing down the enemy with it. True badassery defined.

Some parts of the story line are slightly cliche. Some of the dialogue is kind of cheesy and some of the performances are a little over the top, but none of that matters. This is such a goddamn good movie it makes you forget about all of that. For an explosive good time give this movie a watch. Til next time…

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Have you heard? They say the Dark Lord is back. They say he killed a kid at the Tri-Wizard Tournament. ‘At’s a bunch of rubbish, don’t you read The Prophet. Potter kid’s making the whole thing up he is, trying to get his name in the papers an such.

Thats right friends we’re back for another fun filled year at Hogwarts and have we got some shit to sort through this year. I mean we’re all still mourning Edwar-…I mean Cedric’s death. Parents are apprehensive about letting their children return to a school that has, on at least two occasions, had a teacher attempt to murder a student. Speaking of murdering students, Voldemort is back in all his pissed off wonder and you can’t help but think he had some influence in the decision to appoint Dolores Umbridge as the new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher. Yes my friends its going to be another wonderful year full of excitement, danger and haircuts, lets dig in.

After a day of frolicking in the park, Harry and his best buddy Dudley are attacked by Dementors. Luckily Harry knows how to defend against them and chases them off with a Patronus but in doing so violates the “Underage Use of Magic in the Muggle World in Front of a Muggle, While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood” law. After a bullshit trial, Harrys name is cleared and he gets to return to Hogwarts. Once there he learns that the new DATDA teacher is the same bitch that was trying to get him expelled at his trial. In her first class Ms. Umbridge informs the students that there is no need to learn how to defend against dark magic because life is all rainbows and kittens. Harry and the gang decide to start a secret club where they will teach themselves. Shit hits the fan, Umbridge takes over Hogwarts and by the end theres no doubt that He Who Must Not Be Named is back in black… cue AC/DC.

At just over two hours, the second longest book somehow became the second shortest movie. I’m glad they were still able to hit almost all of the high points of the book without having to sacrifice too much. I’ve got to give special mention to Imelda Staunton who brought life to the one character that most fans hate more than Voldemort. I can’t watch this film without the phrase “what an unbelievable cunt” involuntarily slipping out. Well done.

The dark clouds that formed in The Goblet have set up shop in The Order and its going to be a while before we see the sun again. Till next time friends, stay entertained.

