Posts Tagged ‘Danny Elfman’

“Keep Moving Forward”

A motto of Walt Disney and the driving theme behind Meet The Robinsons, three words reminding us that theres no sense dwelling in the past, the future is waiting for us and the only way to get there is if we keep moving forward.

The wife and I first gave this a watch in theaters in 2007 and it quickly became a favorite of ours. It was date night, we had just left our favorite sushi place and were discussing what to do next. I asked the same question I always do, “wanna see a movie?” and she answered in her usual way, “wellll, whats playing?” We went through our usual back and forth: can’t stand her, well what about, no way Brad Pitt is in that, we could watch, meh… And then we spotted Meet The Robinsons and in 3D no less. We both love Disney’s animated movies so we were sold, we grabbed the tickets and refreshments and kept moving forward…until we found our seats. By the films end we had both laughed and shed a tear or two, damn you Rob Thomas with your touching lyrics capturing the moment.

If you’ve never given this film a chance heres what you’re missing: Meet The Robinsons tells the story of Lewis, an orphan with a knack for inventing who longs for a family of his own. After his latest failed adoption interview, he decides to invent a memory scanner so he can search his memories and see what his mother looks like in hopes of finding her. After a mishap at the science fair involving Wilbur the time traveling teen, The Bowler Hat Guy and his mechanical bowler hat Doris, Lewis decides to give up inventing. Back at the orphanage Lewis heads up to the roof where Wilbur is waiting to rebuild his confidence or if that fails give him a ride to the future where he actually Meets The Robinsons. A food fight, some singing frogs, a dinosaur and an awesome chase later and we wrap it up with a happy ending.

“These twists and turns of fate”

Meet The Robinsons is one of my all time favorite animated films, it has a great story, beautiful animation and a wonderful soundtrack featuring Rob Thomas, Rufus Wainwright, Danny Elfman and The All-American Rejects to name a few. It connects with us on a personal level and even teaches us that in order to move forward we need to let that shit go. For the above mentioned and it possibly being my favorite movie memory that I share with my wife, I’m thankful for Meet The Robinsons. Till next time friends, stay entertained.


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Boys and girls of every age, wouldn’t you like to see something strange? Come with us and you will see, this our town of Halloween. This is one of those movies I have to watch at least once around Halloween. It may not fall into the horror genre but it deserves honorable mention here in our month long discussion. So Zero light the way as we fly into The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Another Halloween has come to an end and Jack Skellington, A.K.A The Pumpkin King, has grown bored with the same old routine. While out for a walk and song one evening he discovers the portal to Christmas land where he finds everything he thinks he’s been missing. He goes back to Halloween town with the plan of taking over Christmas. Jack and the citizens of Halloween town spend the next year plotting, planning and creating. Sandy Claws gets kidnapped, Sally tries to discourage Jack and in the end Jack learns that the grass isn’t always greener under the snow. And if by some chance you haven’t watched this gem, then I won’t spoil Oogie Boogie for you.

Celebrating twenty years, The Nightmare Before Christmas is just an awesome film and one that has become a tradition in my home. Even if you ignore the fact that it took three years and a hundred people to complete this stop motion masterpiece, even if you ignore the amazing soundtrack and the Nightmare Revisited version featuring rock covers of the songs you can’t ignore the great story behind it all. For those reasons and many more The Nightmare Before Christmas gets a rating of: This Is Halloween. Till next time friends, Stay entertained.

